Fireworks in Montague
If you know of a fireworks display in your area, please go ahead and send it to me (with as much info as you can) via email. If there's a website URL, even better! I and your community sure would appreciate it!
This will be their biggest show ever, a large magnitude bigger than last Fourth of July! Their crew is super excited; there will be many things you have never seen before in a fireworks show! Gates will open early 7:00pm! Come relax, play games, grill out or just pick out a prime spot!
Same location as last year: Ramthun Rd. in Montague – map will be provided before the show at the event link above.
Same rules: no alcohol or drugs will be permitted – please plan on taking all trash with you when you leave. No personal fireworks please.
More portable restrooms will be provided this year.
Note: I am not affiliated with this event, I only list them; if you have a specific question, please use the contact information provided to get in touch with them directly