Middleville Independence Day Celebration
If you know of a fireworks display in your area, please go ahead and send it to me (with as much info as you can) via email. If there's a website URL, even better! I and your community sure would appreciate it!
July 4, 2022 at 10:00pm
Expired event; awaiting update on next occurrence.
Thornapple Kellogg High School Soccer Fields
3885 Bender Rd
City/State/Zip: Middleville, Michigan 49333
County: Barry County
Event Website: Click Here!3885 Bender Rd
City/State/Zip: Middleville, Michigan 49333
County: Barry County
Event Details:
Full day of events includes a hot dog roast and picnic in the park, inflatables, kids games, American History Exhibit, laser tag, food trucks, live music and fireworks!
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Note: I am not affiliated with this event, I only list them; if you have a specific question, please use the contact information provided to get in touch with them directly